Notes when specifying the date period in the record filtering condition

There are a few things to keep in mind when specifying a base date in your record filtering criteria.

from thisweek:

If you specify "from this week" as the base date for the period, this Sunday will be the base date.

If you want to specify Sunday, select "from this week" and enter "0" for the number of days to be added.

from thismonth:

If you specify "from this month" as the base date for the period, the first day of this month will be the base date.

If you want to specify the end of last month, select "from this month" and enter "-1" for the number of days to be added.

from thisyear:

If you specify "from this year" as the base date for the period, January 1st of this year will be the base date.

If you want to specify January 1st of this year, select "from this year" and enter "0" for the number of days to be added.