Field Change Event

This page introduces events related to changing field values and adding or deleting table rows.

Event after changing field value

Properties of the Event Object
Property type Description
type String The event type.
container DOM
Field outside the table:

DIV element at the bottom of the work area.

Field in the table:

Table row to which the field belongs.

<div class="pd-scope"></div>
Field outside the table of injector:

MAIN element.

<main class="pd-scope"></main>
record Object

The record object.

A record object is an object that contains record information such as field codes and field values.


Field types

viewid Number Applies only to in-table fields and the value is a row index.
((APP_ID) => {
	"use strict";
	pd.event.on(APP_ID, 'pd.change.field_1_', (event) => {
		return event;

By changing the contents of the record property of the event object and returning it, you can change the value of the field and disable or hide the field.


Event Object Actions

Events before adding table rows

pd.row.add.[fieldID of the table field]
Properties of the Event Object
Property type Description
type String The event type.
container DOM

The table element.

<table class="pd-table"></table>
record Object

The record object.

A record object is an object that contains record information such as field codes and field values.


Field types

viewid Number The row index to be added.
((APP_ID) => {
	"use strict";
	pd.event.on(APP_ID, 'pd.row.add.field_9_', (event) => {
		return event;

By changing the contents of the record property of the event object and returning it, you can change the value of the field and disable or hide the field.


Event Object Actions

The addition is canceled by returning the event object with the error property set to true.

Events before copying table row

pd.row.copy.[fieldID of the table field]
Properties of the Event Object
Property type Description
type String The event type.
container DOM

The table element.

<table class="pd-table"></table>
record Object

The record object.

A record object is an object that contains record information such as field codes and field values.


Field types

viewid Number The row index to be added.
((APP_ID) => {
	"use strict";
	pd.event.on(APP_ID, 'pd.row.copy.field_9_', (event) => {
		return event;

By changing the contents of the record property of the event object and returning it, you can change the value of the field and disable or hide the field.


Event Object Actions

The copy is canceled by returning the event object with the error property set to true.

Events before deleting table row

pd.row.del.[fieldID of the table field]
Properties of the Event Object
Property type Description
type String The event type.
container DOM

The table element.

<table class="pd-table"></table>
record Object

The record object.

A record object is an object that contains record information such as field codes and field values.


Field types

viewid Number The row index before deletion.
((APP_ID) => {
	"use strict";
	pd.event.on(APP_ID, 'pd.row.del.field_9_', (event) => {
		return event;

The deletion is canceled by returning the event object with the error property set to true.

Events before sorting table

pd.row.sort.[fieldID of the table field]
Properties of the Event Object
Property type Description
type String The event type.
container DOM

The table element.

<table class="pd-table"></table>
record Object

The record object.

A record object is an object that contains record information such as field codes and field values.


Field types

fieldid String The field ID of the field to be sorted.
((APP_ID) => {
	"use strict";
	pd.event.on(APP_ID, 'pd.row.sort.field_9_', (event) => {
		return event;

The sorting is canceled by returning the event object with the error property set to true.

Event after expanding the box

Event[fieldID of the box field]
Properties of the Event Object
Property type Description
type String The event type.
container DOM

DIV element that is the box field.

<div class="pd-box"></div>
((APP_ID) => {
	"use strict";
	pd.event.on(APP_ID, '', (event) => {
		return event;

Event after collapsing the box

Event[fieldID of the box field]
Properties of the Event Object
Property type Description
type String The event type.
container DOM

DIV element that is the box field.

<div class="pd-box"></div>
((APP_ID) => {
	"use strict";
	pd.event.on(APP_ID, '', (event) => {
		return event;