Get kumaneko settings

This page introduces the API to get the setting information of kumaneko.


  1. App settings

  2. Dashboard settings

Get kumaneko settings



[your kumaneko domain]/api/config.php

Add "X-Authorization" to the request header and specify the Base64 encoded account and password as values. Base64 encoding should be in the form "account: password".




App settings

Property Type Description
file.apps.user Object

An object with data for user app settings.

file.apps.system Object

An object with data for system app settings.

file.apps.{user or sysytem}.{app ID}.id String

The app ID.

file.apps.{user or sysytem}.{app ID}.name String

The name of the App.

file.apps.{user or sysytem}.{app ID}.fields Object

An object with data of the field settings.

file.apps.{user or sysytem}.{app ID}.styles Object

An object with data of the field widths.

file.apps.{user or sysytem}.{app ID}.layout Array

A list of field layouts for each row.

file.apps.{user or sysytem}.{app ID}.views Array

A list of view settings.

file.apps.{user or sysytem}.{app ID}.linkages Array

A list of linkage view settings.

	file: {
		"apps": {
			"user": {
				"1": {
					"id": "1",
					"name": "Daily report",
					"fields": { ... },
					"styles": { ... },
					"layout": [ ... ],
					"views": [ ... ],
					"linkages": [ ... ]
				"2": {
					"id": "2",
					"name": "Items",
					"fields": { ... },
					"styles": { ... },
					"layout": [ ... ],
					"views": [ ... ],
					"linkages": [ ... ]
			"system": {
				"project": {
					"id": "project",
					"name": "project",
					"fields": { ... },
					"styles": { ... },
					"layout": [ ... ],
					"views": [ ... ],
					"linkages": [ ... ]
				"users": {
					"id": "users",
					"name": "users",
					"fields": { ... },
					"styles": { ... },
					"layout": [ ... ],
					"views": [ ... ],
					"linkages": [ ... ]
				"departments": {
					"id": "departments",
					"name": "departments",
					"fields": { ... },
					"styles": { ... },
					"layout": [ ... ],
					"views": [ ... ],
					"linkages": [ ... ]
				"groups": {
					"id": "groups",
					"name": "groups",
					"fields": { ... },
					"styles": { ... },
					"layout": [ ... ],
					"views": [ ... ],
					"linkages": [ ... ]
		"dashboard": { ... }
Field settings
Property Type Description
{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.id String

The field ID.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.type String

The field type.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.caption String

The field name.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.required Boolean

The "Required field" option.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.nocaption Boolean

The "Hide field name" option.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.placeholder String

The "Placeholder" option.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.format String

The "Input Format" option of text fields.

  • text
  • alphabet
  • alphanum
  • mail
  • password
  • tel
  • url
{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.lines Number

The "Visible line count" option of textarea fields.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.demiliter Boolean

The "Use thousands separators" option of number fields.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.decimals Number

The "Number of Decimal Places to Display" option of number fields.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.unit String

The "Measurement Unit" option of number fields.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.unitposition String

The "Position of Measurement Unit" option of number fields.

  • Prefix
  • Suffix
{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.options Array

A list including data of the field’s options.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.options[].option.value String

The value of the option.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.app String

The "Datasource App" option of lookup fields.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.search String

The "Key Field" option of lookup fields.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.query String

The "Filter Setting" option of lookup fields (filtering).

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.sort String

The "Filter Setting" option of lookup fields (sorting).

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.ignore Boolean

The "Ignore if the fields in this app are empty" option of lookup fields.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.mapping Object

An object with data for "Field Mappings" of lookup field.

Key The field ID of the field set for the mapping source.
Value The field ID of the field set for the mapping endpoint.
{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.picker Array

A list of "Fields Shown in Lookup Picker" of lookup field.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.criteria Array

A list of "Fetch Criteria" of lookup field.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.criteria[].external String

The field ID of the field selected for "Datasource App".

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.criteria[].operator String

The operator.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.criteria[].internal String

The field ID of the field selected for "This App".

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.table Array

A list of "Table Mappings" of lookup field.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.table[].id.external String

The table ID of the field selected for "Datasource App's Table".

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.table[].id.internal String

The table ID of the field selected for "This App's Table".

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.table[].fields Array

A list of the "Field Mappings" of the "Table Mappings" of the lookup field

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.table[].fields[].external String

The field ID of the field set for the mapping source of "Table Mappings"

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.table[].fields[].internal String

The field ID of the field set for the mapping endpoint of "Table Mappings"

{app ID}.fields.{field ID} String

The "Latitude Field" option of address fields.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.mapping.lng String

The "Longitude Field" option of address fields.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.fields Object

An object with data of fields in a table.

The parameters of this object are the same as the fields parameter.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.fixed Number

The "Fixed number of digits in serial number" option of autonumber fields.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.group Array

A list of "Fields for grouping" of autonumber field.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.multiuse Boolean

The "Also use in views" option of spacer fields.

{app ID}.fields.{field ID}.contents String

The "Contents" option of spacer fields.

"user": {
	"1": {
		"fields": {
			"field_27_": {
				"id": "field_27_",
				"type": "text",
				"caption": "text",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false,
				"placeholder": "",
				"format": "text"
			"field_31_": {
				"id": "field_31_",
				"type": "textarea",
				"caption": "textarea",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false,
				"placeholder": "",
				"lines": 3
			"field_32_": {
				"id": "field_32_",
				"type": "number",
				"caption": "number",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false,
				"placeholder": "",
				"demiliter": true,
				"decimals": 2,
				"unit": "",
				"unitposition": "suffix"
			"field_33_": {
				"id": "field_33_",
				"type": "date",
				"caption": "date",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false
			"field_34_": {
				"id": "field_34_",
				"type": "datetime",
				"caption": "datetime",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false
			"field_35_": {
				"id": "field_35_",
				"type": "time",
				"caption": "time",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false
			"field_36_": {
				"id": "field_36_",
				"type": "radio",
				"caption": "radio",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false,
				"options": [
						"option": {
							"value": "A"
						"option": {
							"value": "B"
						"option": {
							"value": "C"
			"field_37_": {
				"id": "field_37_",
				"type": "dropdown",
				"caption": "dropdown",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false,
				"options": [
						"option": {
							"value": "fruit"
						"option": {
							"value": "vegetable"
						"option": {
							"value": "processed meat"
						"option": {
							"value": "dairy products"
			"field_38_": {
				"id": "field_38_",
				"type": "checkbox",
				"caption": "checkbox",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false,
				"options": [
						"option": {
							"value": "A"
						"option": {
							"value": "B"
						"option": {
							"value": "C"
						"option": {
							"value": "D"
						"option": {
							"value": "E"
			"field_39_": {
				"id": "field_39_",
				"type": "file",
				"caption": "file",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false
			"field_40_": {
				"id": "field_40_",
				"type": "user",
				"caption": "user",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false
			"field_41_": {
				"id": "field_41_",
				"type": "department",
				"caption": "department",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false
			"field_42_": {
				"id": "field_42_",
				"type": "group",
				"caption": "group",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false
			"field_43_": {
				"id": "field_43_",
				"type": "lookup",
				"caption": "lookup",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false,
				"placeholder": "",
				"app": "2",
				"search": "field_8_",
				"query": "",
				"sort": "",
				"ignore": true,
				"criteria": [
						"external": "field_9_",
						"operator": "in",
						"internal": "field_37_"
				"mapping": {
					"field_10_": "field_45_"
				"picker": [
				"table": [
						"id": {
							"external": "field_100_",
							"internal": "field_61_"
						"fields": [
								"external": "field_101_",
								"internal": "field_62_"
								"external": "field_102_",
								"internal": "field_63_"
			"field_45_": {
				"id": "field_45_",
				"type": "number",
				"caption": "lookup mapping",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false,
				"placeholder": "",
				"demiliter": false,
				"decimals": 0,
				"unit": "",
				"unitposition": "suffix"
			"field_51_": {
				"id": "field_51_",
				"type": "address",
				"caption": "address",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false,
				"placeholder": "",
				"mapping": {
					"lat": "field_52_",
					"lng": "field_53_"
			"field_52_": {
				"id": "field_52_",
				"type": "number",
				"caption": "lat",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false,
				"placeholder": "",
				"demiliter": false,
				"decimals": 0,
				"unit": "",
				"unitposition": "suffix"
			"field_53_": {
				"id": "field_53_",
				"type": "number",
				"caption": "lng",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false,
				"placeholder": "",
				"demiliter": false,
				"decimals": 0,
				"unit": "",
				"unitposition": "suffix"
			"field_55_": {
				"id": "field_55_",
				"type": "color",
				"caption": "color",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false
			"field_56_": {
				"id": "field_56_",
				"type": "canvas",
				"caption": "canvas",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false
			"field_61_": {
				"id": "field_61_",
				"type": "table",
				"caption": "table",
				"nocaption": false,
				"fields": {
					"field_62_": {
						"id": "field_62_",
						"type": "date",
						"caption": "date",
						"required": false,
						"nocaption": false
					"field_63_": {
						"id": "field_63_",
						"type": "number",
						"caption": "number",
						"required": false,
						"nocaption": false,
						"placeholder": "",
						"demiliter": false,
						"decimals": "0",
						"unit": "",
						"unitposition": "suffix"
					"field_64_": {
						"id": "field_64_",
						"type": "text",
						"caption": "text",
						"required": false,
						"nocaption": false,
						"placeholder": "",
						"format": "text"
			"field_68_": {
				"id": "field_68_",
				"type": "spacer",
				"caption": "spacer",
				"nocaption": true,
				"multiuse": false,
				"contents": "Hello!"
			"__id": {
				"id": "__id",
				"type": "id",
				"caption": "id",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false
			"__autonumber": {
				"id": "__autonumber",
				"type": "autonumber",
				"caption": "autonumber",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false,
				"fixed": 10,
				"group": [
			"__creator": {
				"id": "__creator",
				"type": "creator",
				"caption": "creator",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false
			"__createdtime": {
				"id": "__createdtime",
				"type": "createdtime",
				"caption": "createdtime",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false
			"__modifier": {
				"id": "__modifier",
				"type": "modifier",
				"caption": "modifier",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false
			"__modifiedtime": {
				"id": "__modifiedtime",
				"type": "modifiedtime",
				"caption": "modifiedtime",
				"required": false,
				"nocaption": false
Field width settings
Property Type Description
{app ID}.styles.{field ID}.width String

The field width.

"user": {
	"1": {
		"styles": {
			"field_27_": {
				"width": "235px"
			"field_31_": {
				"width": "235px"
Layout settings
Property Type Description
{app ID}.layout[].type String

The type of row.

row A normal row of fields.
box A box field.
table A table field.
{app ID}.layout[].id String

The field ID of the box or table field.

{app ID}.layout[].fields 配列

A list of field IDs for the fields in the row.

{app ID}.layout[].rows 配列

A list of field layouts for each row inside a box field.

The parameters of this array are the same as the layout parameter.

"user": {
	"1": {
		"layout": [
				"type": "row",
				"fields": [
				"type": "box",
				"id": "field_70_",
				"caption": "box",
				"rows": [
						"fields": [
				"type": "table",
				"id": "field_61_"
View settings
Property Type Description
{app ID}.views[].id String

The view ID.

{app ID}.views[].name String

The view name.

{app ID}.views[].type String

The type of view.

list List view
edit Editable list view
calendar Calendar view
aggregation Aggregation view
crosstab Crosstab view
gantt Gantt view
timeseries Time series calculation view
kanban Kanban view
map Map view
customize Customize view
{app ID}.views[].query String

The filter condition of the records to be displayed.

{app ID}.views[].sort String

The order in which the records are displayed.

{app ID}.views[].skip Boolean

"Hide table rows that do not match the display conditions" in "List view"

{app ID}.views[].fields Array

A list of field IDs for the fields displayed in the list view.

{app ID}.views[].fields Object

An object with field data for "Calendar view", "Aggregation view", "Crosstab view", "Time series calculation view", and "Map view".

{app ID}.views[] String

"Date Field" in "Calendar view"

{app ID}.views[].fields.title String

"Title Field" in "Calendar view" and "Map view"

{app ID}.views[] String

"Latitude Field" in "Map view"

{app ID}.views[].fields.lng String

"Longitude Field" in "Map view"

{app ID}.views[].fields.color String

"Marker Color Field" in "Map view"

{app ID}.views[].fields.address String

"Address Field" in "Map view"

{app ID}.views[].fields.handover Boolean

"Register the click location" in "Map view"

{app ID}.views[].fields.column Object

An object with data about the "Column" section of "Crosstab view", "Gantt view", and "Time series calculation view"

  • Crosstab view

    Property Type Description
    column.field String

    The field ID.

    column.format String

    The aggregation unit in date field, datetime field, time field.

    year by the year
    month by the month
    day by the day
    hour by the hour
    column.sort String

    The sort order.

  • Gantt view

    Property Type Description
    column.period String

    The display interval of tasks.

    month by the month
    day by the day
    column.width Number

    The column width.

  • Time series calculation view

    Property Type Description
    column.field String

    The field ID.

    column.period String

    The aggregation period

    month by the month
    day by the day
{app ID}.views[].fields.groups Array

A list with data about the "Groups" section of "Kanban view"

Property Type Description
groups[].caption String

The group name.

groups[].query String

The record conditions to be grouped.

{app ID}.views[].fields.rows Array

A list with data about the "Rows" section of "Aggregation view", "Crosstab view", "Gantt view", and "Time series calculation view"

  • Aggregation view, Crosstab view, and Gantt view

    Property Type Description
    rows[].field String

    The field ID.

    rows[].format String

    The aggregation unit in date field, datetime field, time field.

    year by the year
    month by the month
    day by the day
    hour by the hour
    rows[].sort String

    The sort order.

  • Time series calculation view

    Property Type Description
    rows[].caption String

    The row title.

    rows[].formula String

    The formula.

{app ID}.views[].fields.task Object

An object with data about tasks in the "Gantt view", "Kanban view"

  • Gantt view

    Property Type Description
    task.start String

    "Start date Field"

    task.end String

    "End date Field"

    task.title String

    "Title Field"

  • Kanban view

    Property Type Description
    task.title String

    "Title Field" String

    "Date Field"

    task.width Number

    The width of the task list's columns.

{app ID}.views[].fields.value Object

An object with data about the "Functions" section of "Crosstab view"

Property Type Description
value.field String

The field ID.

value.func String

The aggregation method.

CNT Count
AVG Average
MAX Maximum
MIN Minimum
{app ID}.views[].fields.values Array

A list with data about the "Functions" section of "Aggregation view" and "Time series calculation view"

  • Aggregation view

    Property Type Description
    values[].caption String

    The column title.

    values[].field String

    The field ID to be aggregated.

    values[].func String

    The aggregation method.

    CNT Count
    SUM Sum
    AVG Average
    MAX Maximum
    MIN Minimum
  • Time series calculation view

    Property Type Description
    values[].id String

    Identification ID of the aggregation method.

    values[].field String

    The field ID to be aggregated.

    values[].func String

    The aggregation method.

    CNT Count
    SUM Sum
    AVG Average
    MAX Maximum
    MIN Minimum
    PPCNT Count on PP
    PPSUM Sum on PP
    PPAVG Average on PP
    PPMAX Maximum on PP
    PPMIN Minimum on PP
    values[].query String

    The record conditions to be aggregated

{app ID}.views[].chart.type String

The type of chart.

table table
bar bar chart
stacking_bar stacked bar chart
stacking_percent_bar stacked percentage bar chart
column column chart
stacking_column stacked column chart
stacking_percent_column stacked percentage column chart
pie pie chart
line line chart
spline spline chart
area area chart
scatter scatter
"user": {
	"3": {
		"views": [
				"id": "5",
				"name": "Sales this month",
				"type": "edit",
				"query": "field_11_ >= FROM_THISMONTH(\"0\",\"day\")",
				"sort": "field_11_ asc",
				"skip": false,
				"fields": [
				"id": "6",
				"name": "Sales calendar",
				"type": "calendar",
				"query": "field_24_ >= 100",
				"sort": "field_12_ asc",
				"fields": {
					"date": "field_11_",
					"title": "field_12_"
				"id": "7",
				"name": "Customer Map in this month",
				"type": "map",
				"query": "field_11_ >= FROM_THISMONTH(\"0\",\"day\")",
				"sort": "field_12_ asc",
				"fields": {
					"lat": "field_74_",
					"lng": "field_75_",
					"title": "field_12_",
					"color": "",
					"address": "",
					"postalcode": "",
					"handover": false
				"id": "8",
				"name": "This month's aggregate by seller",
				"type": "aggregation",
				"query": "field_11_ >= FROM_THISMONTH(\"0\",\"day\")",
				"fields": {
					"rows": [
							"field": "field_78_",
							"format": "",
							"sort": "asc"
					"values": [
							"caption": "Total",
							"field": "field_24_",
							"func": "SUM"
							"caption": "Average",
							"field": "field_24_",
							"func": "AVG"
							"caption": "Maximum",
							"field": "field_24_",
							"func": "MAX"
				"chart": {
					"type": "pie"
				"id": "9",
				"name": "This month's aggregate by seller and client",
				"type": "crosstab",
				"query": "field_11_ >= FROM_THISMONTH(\"0\",\"day\")",
				"fields": {
					"column": {
						"field": "field_12_",
						"format": "",
						"sort": "asc"
					"rows": [
							"field": "field_78_",
							"format": "",
							"sort": "asc"
					"value": {
						"field": "field_24_",
						"func": "SUM"
				"chart": {
					"type": "pie"
				"id": "10",
				"name": "Shipping status",
				"type": "gantt",
				"query": "",
				"sort": "",
				"fields": {
					"column": {
						"period": "day",
						"width": 64
					"rows": [
							"field": "field_78_",
							"format": "",
							"sort": "asc"
					"task": {
						"start": "field_11_",
						"end": "field_99_",
						"title": "field_12_"
				"id": "11",
				"name": "Timeseries",
				"type": "timeseries",
				"query": "field_78_ in (\"2\",\"3\")",
				"fields": {
					"column": {
						"field": "field_11_",
						"period": "month"
					"rows": [
							"caption": "Total",
							"formula": "F1_"
							"caption": "Rate for US",
							"formula": "CONCAT(ROUND(F2_\/F1_,2)*100,\"%\")"
							"caption": "Rate for Other",
							"formula": "CONCAT(ROUND(F3_\/F1_,2)*100,\"%\")"
					"values": [
							"id": "F1_",
							"field": "field_24_",
							"func": "SUM",
							"query": ""
							"id": "F2_",
							"field": "field_24_",
							"func": "SUM",
							"query": "field_77_ = \"USA\""
							"id": "F3_",
							"field": "field_24_",
							"func": "SUM",
							"query": "field_77_ != \"USA\""
				"chart": {
					"type": "table"
				"id": "12",
				"name": "Shipment verification",
				"type": "kanban",
				"fields": {
					"groups": [
							"caption": "Group1",
							"query": "field_101_ in (\"in progress\")"
							"caption": "Group2",
							"query": "field_101_ in (\"waiting for shipping\")"
					"task": {
						"title": "field_98_",
						"date": "",
						"width": 250
				"query": "",
				"sort": ""
				"id": "13",
				"name": "My Customize view",
				"type": "customize",
				"query": "",
				"sort": "",
				"fields": []
				"id": "0",
				"name": "all",
				"type": "list",
				"query": "",
				"sort": "",
				"fields": []
Linkage view settings
Property Type Description
{app ID}.linkages[].id String

The linkage view ID.

{app ID}.linkages[].name String

The linkage view name.

{app ID}.linkages[].app String

The "Datasource App" option.

{app ID}.linkages[].query String

The "Filter Setting" option (filtering).

{app ID}.linkages[].sort String

The "Filter Setting" option (sorting).

{app ID}.linkages[].display Array

A list of "Datasource App Fields to Display and Mappings".

{app ID}.linkages[].display[].external String

The field ID of the field selected for "Datasource App Fields to Display".

{app ID}.linkages[].display[].internal String

The field ID of the field set for the mapping endpoint of "Datasource App Fields to Display and Mappings"

{app ID}.linkages[].criteria Array

A list of "Fetch Criteria".

{app ID}.linkages[].criteria[].external String

The field ID of the field selected for "Datasource App".

{app ID}.linkages[].criteria[].operator String

The operator.

{app ID}.linkages[].criteria[].internal String

The field ID of the field selected for "This App".

{app ID}.linkages[].bulk Object

An object with data about bulk copy.

{app ID}.linkages[].bulk.enable Boolean

The "Make it possible to copy the retrieved results also on the list view" option.

{app ID}.linkages[].bulk.caption String

The label text displayed on the bulk copy button.

{app ID}.linkages[].bulk.message String

The message displayed in the confirmation dialog before executing the bulk copy.

"user": {
	"2": {
		"linkages": [
				"id": "2",
				"name": "Meetings",
				"app": "1",
				"query": "",
				"sort": "",
				"criteria": [
						"external": "field_32_",
						"operator": "=",
						"internal": "field_10_"
				"display": [
						"external": "field_27_",
						"internal": "field_11_"
						"external": "field_31_",
						"internal": ""
				"bulk": {
					"enable": false,
					"caption": "",
					"message": ""

Dashboard settings

Property Type Description
file.dashboard.frames Array

A list of dashboard datas for each row.

file.dashboard.frames[].styles.height String

Dashboard row height.

file.dashboard.frames[].panels Array

A list of app and view data to display as a panel.

file.dashboard.frames[].panels[].app String

The app ID.

file.dashboard.frames[].panels[].view String

The view ID.

file.dashboard.frames[].panels[].styles.height String

The panel width.

	file: {
		"apps": { ... },
		"dashboard": {
			"frames": [
					"styles": {
						"height": "400px"
					"panels": [
							"app": "3",
							"view": "6",
							"styles": {
								"width": "50%"
							"app": "3",
							"view": "8",
							"styles": {
								"width": "50%"
					"styles": {
						"height": ""
					"panels": [
							"app": "3",
							"view": "9",
							"styles": {
								"width": "100%"


fetch('[your kumaneko domain]/api/config.php', {
	method: 'GET',
	headers: {
		'X-Authorization': window.btoa(pd.kumaneko.users.login().account.value+':'+pd.kumaneko.users.login().pwd.value)
.then(response => {
	response.json().then((json) => {
		switch (response.status)
			case 200:
				console.error('Error:', json);
.catch(error => {
	console.error('Error:', error);


curl -X GET '[your kumaneko domain]/api/config.php' \
	-H 'X-Authorization: L08xCvTh7A1EVm3rZimF98R8VLP3k4lMlzELqyCx' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json'